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fat fish(chunky fish with a zesty lemon dressing and a side of potatoes)

Preparation Time: 5 nins
Number of Servings: 4
Nutrition Info: very nutrional

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chunk of salmon fish
king edward potatoes cut in half
lemon juice
tomato salsa
salt and pepper to taste

Directions:  place the fish in an oven dish and marinate it with lemon juice and garlic. also with tomatoes, place in oven and cook for 30 mins. to make the sauce add tomatoes garlic and lemon juice into a pan until it becomes a runny mixture. fry the potatoes in a pan and add rosemary. once it is cooked put the potatoes on the side and drizzle the sauce on top. add salt and pepper to taste

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Submitted By: elizabeth james of Hammersmith
Email/Web Site:
Original Source of Recipe: mike tyler
Date Submitted: 6/23/2008 4:53:46 AM


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