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Cheesy Broccoli Quiche(Rich, cheesy, heavenly quiche)

Preparation Time: 50-60 min total
Number of Servings: 16 slices

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16 eggs
1+ cups heavy cream or half & half
3+ cups frozen chopped broccoli
2+ cups colby jack or cheddar cheese
2 pkg. Knorr's Leek Soup mix
*1/2-1 cup precooked ham or bacon
2 premade pie crusts

Directions:  Preheat oven to 375. Combine all ingreidients in bowl. Pour into two pie crusts (prepared) laid in 24cm. pie pans. Bake 40-45 min. Longer if extra cheese and broccoli are added. Toothpick test until done, and no longer runny inside. Allow to cool slightly before cutting into 8 slices each pie. May be divided to make only one pie, or further divided for 9 in. premade frozen crusts (the kind with the pan included)

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Submitted By: Misty Perry of Springfield, Missouri
Email/Web Site:
Original Source of Recipe: Terri Foster
Date Submitted: 6/13/2003 12:12:25 PM


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