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Ginger Lime Sauce(use as a marinade, dip, salad dressing.)

Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Number of Servings: depends

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Soy sauce 4tbs
Brown sugar 2tbs
Ginger fresh or ground 2tbs
ground chilis 2tsp
garlic fresh 2tsp
white vinegar 1tsp
lime juice 1tsp
pepper black ground 1tsp
onion powder 1/2 tsp
corn starch 1tsp-2tsp for desired thickness
water 2 tbs or less to achieve thickness

Directions:  Put all ingredients in a glass container and refrigerate overnight. should last 2-3 weeks. Double and add baslamic vinegar (feta if you like) for a salad dressing. Great chicken dip. Great chicken marinade.

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Submitted By: Ron Bizieff of Portland, OR
Email/Web Site: none
Original Source of Recipe: Ron Bizieff
Date Submitted: 2/4/2003 6:54:52 PM


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