Apple Spiced Punch(Delicious for summer or anywhere that's hot. Cinnamon spiced and sweet to go.)

Preparation Time: 8 to 10 minutes
Number of Servings: Depends on how much of family you have
Calories Per Servings: Not that much
Nutrition Info: Very delicious and very nutrious

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3 large Red Delicious apples cut in crescent shapes
5 tablespoons of ground cinnamon
5 to 6 cups of Apple cider or Apple juice Recommended: Apple Cider
5 sticks of whole cinnamon for garnish
ice cubes as many as desired

Directions:  First slice apples in cresent shape taking out the seeds. Place icecubes in a lemonade pitcher. Pour 5 to 6 cups of Apple cider into pitcher. Add 5 tablespoons of cinnamon.Add crescent shaped apple slices. Stir well until cinnamon has dissolved. Serve in tall mugs or glass cups and place one stick of cinnamon in each glass. Serve immediately.

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Submitted By: Kathina Bronovoich of Germany
Email/Web Site:
Original Source of Recipe: John Doe
Date Submitted: 10/27/2006 7:59:51 PM