Lemon Pepper Chicken Pasta(mmm tasty!)

Preparation Time: about 45 minutes
Number of Servings: 2

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2 lbs boneless skinless chicken
2 table spoons black pepper
2 table spoons fresh garlic
2 table spoons of oregano
1 table spoon of salt
3 table spoons of olive oil
Quarter cup of lemon juice
2 green and yellow peppers
3 carrots
1 head of broccoli
Pasta (Any kind your little heart desires)

Directions:  Cook pasta, and let it drain. Chop all vegtables. Heat the olive oil. Chop the chicken into bite sized cubes. Add the spice and the lemon juice to the oil. Add the chicken until it's cooked. Add the vegtables until they are cooked as well. Add the stirfry into the noodles and serve.

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Submitted By: Amanda of Canada
Email/Web Site: amandatill@rogers.com
Date Submitted: 1/16/2005 11:32:47 AM